2011年8月3日 星期三


Start Looking Younger Today!

100%有機認證 USDA『美國國家有機認證』
動態皺紋主要是因為一再重複性的表情而形成,隨著醫藥科技進步,皺紋已被證明是可預防和回復的,自然老化也不再被認為是不可逆轉的,國內專業知名醫學美容『創新生技』自美國引進著名專精於類肉毒桿菌療法的 JANSON BECKETT COSMECEUTICALS (傑生.貝克),由於是現今美國非常受到歡迎熱門品牌,International Journal of Cosmetic Science國際專業期刊也專刊討論,預料將引領醫學美容運用創新,創造醫學美容領域美麗新境界。

科學家努力研製了類肉毒素作用的分子Argireline and Leuphasyl,有效減少肌肉收縮能力,又具有比較穩定之優點。  傑生.貝克領先全球運用最先進5% Leuphasyl,10%Argireline ,和10% HeptaPeptide三合一強力配方,聯手阻斷乙醯膽素誘導接受體,減少皺紋的深度及停止阻斷皺紋的形成,符合傑生.貝克一貫簡單有效的訴求。   美國醫療保養品知名品牌Janson-Beckett Cosmeceuticals 擁有卓越之研究團隊及和製造部門,全程嚴謹堅督製造過程,無人工防腐劑,無人工色素,無人工香料,無有害物質不經動物測試驗是jb的堅持與信念,因而獲得USDA『美國國家有機認證』。   來自皮膚醫學、生化學、生藥學等研究團隊,共同研發兼具預防及功能性保養品,獲得到全球皮膚醫學界極力之推崇,預計國內最快8月1日就可上市,將由透過專業的皮膚科、整型外科醫師或醫藥專業人士,依特性推薦使用,預計將成為抗老除皺熱門商品。

著名專精於類肉毒桿菌療法的 JANSON BECKETT COSMECEUTICALS (傑生.貝克)-原廠公司貨
是現今美國非常受到歡迎熱門品牌,International Journal of Cosmetic Science國際專業期刊發表討論,引領醫學美容運用創新,創造醫學美容領域美麗新境界。
科學家努力研製了類肉毒素作用的分子Argireline and Leuphasyl,含有效活性成份又具有比較穩定之優點,有效減少肌肉收縮能力。全球領先研發使用高濃度argireline (AH3) ,並成功運用於護膚產品。

傑生.貝克領先全球運用最先進5% Leuphasyl,10%Argireline ,和10% HeptaPeptide三合一強力配方,聯手阻斷乙醯膽素誘導接受體,減少皺紋的深度及停止阻斷皺紋的形成,符合傑生.貝克一貫簡單有效的訴求。
美國醫療保養品知名品牌Janson-Beckett Cosmeceuticals 擁有卓越之研究團隊及和製造部門,全程嚴謹堅督製造過程,無人工防腐劑,無人工色素,無人工香料,無有害物質不經動物測試驗是jb的堅持與信念,因而獲得USDA『美國國家有機認證』。
Janson-Beckett 傑生.貝克,三十五年來專業致力於醫學護膚研究和製造,並獲得到皮膚醫學界極高之評價。 2004年七月起領先突破胜運用技術,成為美國護膚產品成長最快的公司,來自皮膚醫學、生化學、生藥學等研究團隊,共同研發兼具預防及功能性保養品,獲得到皮膚醫學界極力之推崇。

,The American Music Awards指定使用產品

•STEP1-清潔 & 調理
100%有機草本潔顏乳Certified Organic Cleansing Milk
100%有機草本平衡露Organic Facial Toner
•STEP2-活力煥白眼膠 OkuSil 去除眼袋和黑眼圈和細紋
•STEP3-礦滋養胜肽加強霜AH3 Facial Skin Prep 加強胜肽的作用
•STEP4-雙效淨白C+精華液 Vitamin C Facial Serum嫩白肌膚
•STEP5-經典緊緻無痕霜 AlphaDerma CE‘s減少皺紋或去除細紋
強效撫紋霜DermaExcel 7 淡化斑點
•STEP6-睡前使用AlphaDerma CE 後,可使用含硫辛酸及
DMAE密集修復晚霜Night Cream提供最佳之修復及滋潤

1. 有機草本潔顏乳 Certified Organic Cleansing Milk (4oz, 119ml) ($19.95)

• 來自Jb獨特設計配方,清潔、卸妝一次就做到最好。
• 天然成份細緻毛孔,恢復肌膚光采。
• 富含天然有機植物草本,可舒緩一天疲備的肌膚,達到身心的放鬆。
• 有機認證 USDA『美國國家有機認證』

使用方法: 壓取適量有機草本潔顏乳,輕輕按摩與清潔,再用清水完全沖淨即可。

2. 有機舒緩平衡露 Certified Organic Skin Toner (4 oz, 119ml) (Price: $19.95)
•100%有機認證 USDA『美國國家有機認證』
使用方法: 臉部清潔後,倒取適量於指尖或用化妝棉上,輕拍全臉肌膚或眼周。

3. 活力煥白眼膠 Intensive Under Eye Rejuvenating Serum (1 oz, 30ml) (Price: $69.95)
*Stand-Alone Solution For The Entire Eye Area! 眼周獨立的專屬配方
*Dark Circles or Under Eye Bags
* Ideal for men and women of all skin types.



早晚使用, 一天兩次, 適量於化妝水之後使用,取適量輕輕按壓於眼部四周,直到太陽穴。

4. 含六胜肽及高純度玻尿酸- 礦物滋養胜肽加強精华 Facial Skin Prep (4 oz, 30ml) ($29.95)

10% Acetyl Hexapeptide-3
• 鋪陳最佳之胜肽吸收環境
• 提供皮膚細胞所需之礦物質及促進胜肽反應質量
• 加強催化Argireline (AH3)作用
• 添加微量元素及玻尿酸維持卓越滋潤度

• Accelerate Peptide results
• Improve the skin’s response with minerals,trace minerals & Hyaluronic Acid

使用方法:於潔膚後擦完精華液之後取適量塗抹於臉上至吸收即可。使用於經典緊緻無痕霜 (CE ) 或強效撫紋霜 (Derma Excel 7)之前,早晚使用.

5. 雙效淨白 C & C 精華液 Vitamin C & C Facial Serum ( 0.5 oz) (Price: $44.95)
• 促進膠原蛋白及彈力蛋白生成,增加皮膚緊緻度。
• 防止老化與改善皺紋,保護肌膚抵禦老化,減少年齡老化斑點。
• 回復皮膚健康年輕外觀。

使用方法: 可早晚使用各一次,取適量均勻塗抹於臉頸部。

6. 強效撫紋霜 DermaExcel 7 HeptaPeptide SNAP7 (10z) (Price: $129.95)
使用方法:可早晚使用各一次,於潔膚後擦完精華液之後, 押取適量均勻塗抹於臉及頸部

DermaExcel 7運用最先進5% Leuphasyl,10%Argireline和10% HeptaPeptide SNAP-7三合一超強配方,三種胜肽都是作用于誘導複合體,聯手阻斷ACH(乙醯膽素誘導接受體) 減少皺紋的深度及停止阻斷皺紋的形成
•DMAE & 硫辛酸具有預防和修復,平滑肌膚去除皺紋,使皮膚充滿活力.

7. 經典緊緻無痕霜 AlphaDerma CE Acetyl Hexapeptide-) 4 oz (Price: $129.95)
• 高效率緊緻肌膚,撫平皺紋,妊娠纹、和疤印
• 减少皱纹和表情纹, 拉提松弛、老化肌膚
• 提供健康皮膚必要的營養素,預防皺紋形成和老化
使用方法: 臉部清潔後,化妝水精華液後使用,由內而外輕拍臉部,並輕輕按摩臉部效果更佳。可早晚使用各一次,押取適量均勻塗抹於臉頸部及身體

Skin Care’s Most Comprehensive Anti-Aging Treatment

Area of Application & Benefits
*Quickly Removes Appearance of Fine Lines & Wrinkles
*Repairs & Prevents Damaged Skin
*Immediately Tightens & Firms Aged Skin
*Achieve Visible Results After Just One Treatment
*Eliminate Fine Lines and Wrinkles
*Prevent and Remove Stretchmarks and Scars
(Start Your Skin Care Regimen Right 寵愛您的肌護之道)
ARGIRELINE ,水解膠原蛋白,水解彈力蛋白,

Unique anti-aging wrinkle cure concentrate. Ideal for fine lines under & next to eye area (crows feet), wrinkles on the forehead (frown lines) and any other place fine lines & wrinkles are present

The clinical ingreadients in AlphaDerma CE are what make it so effective. ACETYL HEXAPEPTIDE-AH3 (ARGIRELINE) relaxes facial muscle contractions to smooth out fine lines and depth of wrinkles. APHPA LIPOIC ACID, VITAMIN C ESTER and DMAE is already recognized as a clinical treatment to combat skin aging.
• ALPHA LIPOIC ACID, the most potent antioxidant on the market today, helps repair aged skin while preventing future damage
• VITAMIN C ESTER (ascorbyl palmitate) boosts protective antioxidant action and helps repair past damage by aiding new collagen production
• DMAE often called “facelift in a jar”, helps Firm and Tighten the skin
• ELASTIN is the main ingredient in the skin that allows it to stretch without leaving marks. AlphaDerma CE contains 100% rare, costly, freeze-dried powdered ELASTIN concentrate-which has almost 100% amino acid content. This makes our ELASTIN 10x more potent than any other standard ELASTIN products used in the U.S. or abroad.
• COLLAGEN is an integral part of the support structure of the skin, The addition of our collagen to the formulation plumps up the skin and helps fill in unwanted Fine lines and Wrinkles
• SOY is a natural nutrient when taken internally, with the addition of our patented topical SOY EXTRACT to our formulation the skin is given the nutrients it needs for healthier, younger-looking skin.

8. 三效亮采日霜 Day Cream 1oz or 30ml (Price: $34.95)
•硫辛酸、維生素C 衍生物,DMAE提供三倍的抗老化保護因子
•DMAE 加強抗氧化劑功效,緊緻肌膚,恢復彈力

9. 密集修復晚霜 Night Cream (118.30ml) (Price: $79.95)
Alpha Lipoic , Vitamin C Ester , DMAE Day Night Cream

DMAE 又名拉皮素–快速拉提鬆弛皮膚
•維生素C 提供抗氧化及協助新膠原增生,綠茶萃取物是優秀的抗氧劑,促進皮膚的健康

使用方法:於夜間清潔肌膚後,化妝水精華液後使用,壓取適量均勻塗抹於臉及頸部 , 由內而外輕拍臉部,並輕輕按摩臉部及頸部效果更佳。

10. 高效能抗老禮盒組完美三件套 High Performance Anti-Aging System (Price: $79.95)
*Younger Looking Skin Immediately
*Better Than BotoxR!
*Everything you need to repair and rejuvenate aging skin in 30 days!

內容物(三種明星產品, 約可使用30 天)
礦質滋養胜肽加強霜 Facial Skin Prep (1oz)
經典緊緻無痕霜 AlphaDerma CE (1oz)
活力煥白眼膠 OkuSil(1/2.oz)

活力煥白眼膠 OkuSil 去除細紋 ---> 礦滋養胜肽加強劑AH3 Facial Skin Prep 加強胜肽的作用 ---> 經典緊緻無痕霜 AlphaDerma CE減少皺紋或去除細紋

使用時機 早晚

1. 使用後若有過敏請即刻停止使用,並請教醫生。
2. 請放置陰涼處以免變質。

Order Form ( SKIN CARE)
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Please send invoices to morlui@hotmail.com

♥ Refer a Friend(and they purchased), GET additional 5% off on your next purchase of $50 or more.♥
Just tell your friend to put your name on the order form

[Term and Conditions]
1. All Products are 100% authentic, directly from Manufactory. (the listed Skin care brands)
2. We do not accept any refunds or returns! Please make your order wisely!
3. No hidden fees what so ever! We provide the BEST Price product in USA.
4. All payment must be received before the product send out! Any none payment results your order being cancelled.
5. We can do Face trade in Chicago. But all payment must be received first.
6. If any buyers wish to upgrade shipping option, will need to pay for the upgraded shipping fee. All orders will come with a tracking number.
7. We accept the following payment option: PayPal, personal check, money order, cashier's check, concealed cash(at your own risk).
8. We ship all orders via USPS first class mail. If any buyers wish to upgrade shipping option, will need to pay for the upgraded shipping fee. All orders will come with a tracking number.
9. We do ship internationally.
10. We will not be responsible for any items lost or damaged in mail. But will replace the order if the order was lost before it gets to the destination.
11. Please submit your order if you fully abide and agrees to our Terms and Conditions.
